Friday, June 17, 2011

Chaise Me

my latest contract job/venture was a chaise lounge chair. i took this on, cautiously, as there were some things that scared me....such as upholstered buttons, AND cording. but, alas...i knew that i could figure it out. here is how she was proposed to me:

she arrived at the house last friday, much in need of new clothes, with a fresh bolt of white fabric. saturday, i began taking it apart.

look how crazy the inside of this thing looked...all of these colors, and i am using white fabric. this should be fun!

here she is in her underwear, ready to be re-covered.

the orange arms were pretty inconvenient, as the fabric was a not-so-thick white. i had to double up the fabric on the arms which made it a little more work. there was also purple hanging out in there too. the cotton suggests that this chair is pretty foam. i could have replaced it...but, A. i don't know how and B. that would have cost her more money. the cotton was incredibly soft and comfy too.

now, i was so enthralled by this project that i forgot to take pictures of cutting out the fabric, and sewing the cording. BUT...first i traced new pieces from the old ones. much to my delight, most of the chair was stapled, so i had to shimmy everything in place...push, pull, staple. (it was a little harder than it sounds) is how she came together:

Once that was done, it was time to sew, and staple on the cording and 'curve-ease':

did i make a big enough mess?

the metal curve ease was one of the trickiest parts, and left me with a little bit of sewing to do at the end. after that, it was time to make the buttons:

aren't they cute? after a little more stapling, she was ready for the buttons

when i first started trying to attach the buttons, NONE of my needles were working. it turns out that while plush, cotton is really dense...the needles would only go so far into it and would just stop. so, check out my big momma needle that i got. 8 inches long, worked like a charm, but even with that i still needed to hammer the needle through the cotton

some finishing touches along to arms and top cording

and she's DONE...what a project this was.

1 comment:

  1. Wow that turned out really nice! Bummed I missed seeing the finished project in person. Looks like you figured out the button too :-D Good job, Ms. Rachel
