recently i have been putting up posts on craigslist offering upholstering service. i figure, i LOVE! fabric, and i am okay at upholstering, so why not make a little money? i do however state that i don't do couches, love seats, or full covered arm chairs as of yet. i still have a lot of learning to do as far as sewing+upholstering is concerned. ANYWHO i got a small project for some bar stools.
i was a little worried that they would be difficult, seeing that they were round. i was envisioning a lot of folds, which is never pretty.
leather was requested, and i had the "task" of locating the material. let me tell you, i had so much fun with that "chore"! i found some genuine leather, but it would have been $129 as you had to buy the whole hyde, or $49 a sq. yard at the other location i went to which was out of his budget. so vinyl it was. i bought a piece at SAS, my favorite discount fabric store, but ended up using a more expensive (but still in expensive) piece that i found at a local upholstery store that i just discovered, that was much better quality. the vinyl had a bit of stretch, so it made the fold situation effortless!
i must say they do look a lot better! the challenging part (besides trying to avoid folds) was locating the holes so that he can screw them back in. either way, i hope he is satisfied with the new faux leather jackets
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